I completed my first passage & I’m still totally sane – debatable I know! We arrived here at Santa Cruz, the main habituated Galapagos Island, in the early hours of Friday 6th April. We were tired but excited to explore new land. The waters are a great turquoise colour with sea lions & iguanas swimming between the boats. Blue footed boobies dive into the waters next to us & black tipped reef sharks lurk under the boat.
We decided against purchasing a permit prior to our arrival, so sweet talking the port captain into granting us permission to stay, was a must! We both dressed smartly & I wore a skirt to try & assist matters! Bobby did his thing, friendly banter & chit chat in Spanish, whilst I smile sweetly not having a clue what is going on! It worked & we were not only given authority to stay but to travel to a few other islands.
Our friends & fellow cruisers, Blue Moon & Helen Kate (their boat names) are also here. We have had fun hanging out, seeing the sights & of course drinking!
Unfortunately we haven’t had much time for exploring the island as the “to do list” is back & grows each day as another problem rises. After dealing with an infestation of moths in our store of cereal (it was heartbreaking to throw out 16 packets of cereal – we live on the stuff during crossings!) & a toilet that refused to work (for those of you who know boat talk, the holding tank refused to pump out), I had a small fit, fed up with working non stop & stated “why don’t we just stay in a harbour at home, we provision, work hard, complete a weeks crossing to a new place, then don’t get chance to see it properly because the work starts all over again”!! I’ve mellowed after some deep breathing! ; )
I have my good friends Matt & Cath flying in from England. They arrive Monday (16th) so its all systems go to get everything ready for entertaining & play time. On top of that we also have to be ready to start the next crossing (four weeks!!) when they leave!
Wednesday, 18 April 2007
i made it!!!
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