Tues 24th April 2007. 3000 nautical miles, 4 weeks & sea sea sea as we sail across the pacific to Marquesas, northern chain of French Polynesian Islands. Thats 4 weeks, no land, no stopping, just Bobby & I on a small boat..hang on a minute..I want to go home! ; )
Bobby is jumping for joy as we leave the last Spanish speaking country. He should be proud of himself. He's communicated well with officials & locals, sharing jokes & all in Spanish. Its certainly made life easier for us & I wonder how well we will get on with my limited grasp of the French language - really wish I had paid attention at school! Maybe I'll just have to resort to the english's tried & tested method..speak english slower & louder until they understand! ; ) I guess I have plenty of time to read my French dictionary!
At present we are sailing south & will continue to do so until we hit the the trade winds which, fingers crossed will push us west across the pacific. Rumor has it that once you are in the trades there is no need to alter your course or sails for the entire trip. I've been told its a nice easy sail - will keep you posted!!
Sunday, 13 May 2007
we have left land!
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