I'm enjoying this passage! The seas are calm, hardly any swell, the wind has been consistent but I think the fact that it is 4 days long is what has swayed me!! ; ) Its thoroughly enjoyable! It brings home how terrible the Pacific crossing truly was, with those confused seas & being bashed about.
Night watches are strict again, 2 hours about & no sleeping on watch. I'll let you into a secret…Bobby has been caught out! He was 20 minutes late waking me for my watch & sheepily or should I say sleepily(!!) admitted his heavy eyelids had got the better of him!
To keep myself awake on watches I've begun exercising - its only taken 5 months to become motivated!! With a severe lack of room, trying not to sound like Nelly the Elephant (Bobby is sleeping directly below the cockpit) & the boat moving from side to side (swells are not high but we still rock making it hard to keep your balance) its an achievement just to do sit ups & weights! Haven't perfected yoga yet, I'm sure there's a way of getting into position, holding the book & trying to read the next move - I just haven't worked it out yet!! ; ) Jess, I'm improving at suduko, still painfully slow but I did get to level 5 (ok I admit it I did have a peak at the answers!)
Still no luck at catching fish. They are biting; we just have no joy at getting them on the boat. Very frustrating & we have nearly lost all the lure's!! Thai curry just isn't the same without the fish!
We have been sailing wing & wing (also called the butterfly) with the wind behind us. As the winds shifted this afternoon we (that's the Royal "we", should really say Bobby!) put up the stay sail & now hauling arse with 3 sails out. Doing 6.5 knots with winds of 11 knots & increasing. Friends onboard Northern Winds caught us & sailed by a few hours ago, taking photos of Barraveigh as they passed. They are now just a dot on the horizon. The sun is setting & a new moon is rising on what I hope will be our last night before touch down in yet another paradise island!
Sunday, 17 June 2007
its a miracle!
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