I'm about to begin my first passage - Las Perlas Islands to The Galapagos Islands. 900 nautical miles. Very light winds being reported so it may take 10 days. That's 10 days at sea with no land! The night watches have been posted - 2 hours about. No more than 2 hours continuous sleep - wow, does Bobby know us girls need their beauty sleep?!! ; )
We are ready to go! We've had a week relaxing; unspoiled beaches, games of ultimate frizzbee, kayaking, drinking fresh coconuts, chilling on our hammocks rigged to the bow, spent drunken nights with fellow cruisers & gorged on freshly caught fish. Its been a "to do list" free week! That's not to say we haven't been busy! I've read my "how to sail" book (kind of important I know!) Refreshed my memory on how to furl & unfurl the sails. Learnt the basic's on our navigation softwear so I can plot our position. Been instructed on how to use the SSB radio to listen & check in with other boats. Sorted through the 1st aid kit & learnt how to put in a UV drip (had a few injury moments to test our first aid knowledge; Bobby cut his head open & I mashed up my big toe. Parents - no need for panic we are alive & kicking!).
Gone through the man over board procedure & how to use the auto pilot. I've cranked Bobby up the mast, whilst unfurling the main sail, its true girls can multi task! Its a roller furling main - to you & I that means the big sail gets put away by being rolled inside the mast! It got jammed when we were in Panama City but is now running free again! I've begun polishing the cockpit, cleaning Barraveigh of all the ground in city dirt - I didn't get the nickname Monica for nothing!
On top of all that we had stowaways to care for. We hadn't realised, a bird had set up home in the boom during our stay in Panama City. When left we orphaned 3 chicks. A major operation then begun to free them. 5 hours later, with tools constructed from kitchen utensils, extendable boat hooks & water pumps, we safely recovered 3 chicks plus their nest. We duly took on the role of surrogate parents. They weren't keen on my culinary delights of oats soaked in milk & chirped demands for dog food which we delivered on a cocktail stick - yummy! We enjoyed our adopted chicks & even had a drinks party in their honour. Unfortunately it wasn't meant to be & they didn't make it. We miss their chirps to Bobby's whistles but neither of us miss the early morning feeds. Full respect to all you parents out there!
I'm off the enjoy the last few hours in our present anchorage; views of untouched beaches & pelicans diving for their breakfast.
Friday, 30 March 2007
Setting Off from the Las Perlas Islands to The Galapagos Islands
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