who would have thought that two people from English speaking countries would have so many difficulties communicating with each other!!
below is a list of words & their meanings. I have to admit that most the words causing problems are British slang!! credit to Bobby for looking enthusiastic when I tell him I’m cooking shepherds pie for dinner & he has no idea what I’m talking about! (no shepherds are killed in process of making this meal!)
shepherds Pie – minced meat with mash potato on top
bubble & Squeak – a meal which uses most leftovers from a roast dinner
arse – ass
tea towels – dishtowels
loo roll – toilet paper
washing up liquid – dish detergent / dish soap
leads – cables / cords
minced meat – ground beef
biscuits – cookies
catarrh – flem (don’t even ask how we came about this one!)
squiffy – tipsy
squwhiff – askew
yonks – a long time
poorly – not feeling well
stroppy – moody
dappy – dizzy / a bit dippy
gassing – talking / chatting
tat – junk
naff – no good
sirrup – wig
big girls blouse – not being manly
Thursday, 1 March 2007
two cultures divided by a common lanuage
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